miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013


"We are unaware that we are communicating in many different ways even when we are not speaking.. we are rarely taught about this non-verbal form of communication in school... we informally learn how to use gesturees, glances, slight changes in tone of voice, ... to alter or emphasize what we say and do... we learn these culture-bound techniques largely by observing others and imitating them."

There are many ways of communicating, and we use them every day,  even if we are unaware of it, because we learn them unconsciously.

When we speak, we usually do some tone variations or start to shout to make what we say more interesting, also you can see in many speechs that the speakers use some gestures to get to audiencie, for example when talking about taking action in a problem, they point to the audience so they can feel their responsability on the problem. Also there are more ways of communicating that appear when we try to express our selves..

To conclude, we can affirm that there is a non-verbal forms of communication that we unconsciously use, these may vary between different cultures as the cultures are the ones who teach us this.

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