Pages 90 and 91
Theme: Innocence
"I realized: the fact that I saw no sing of movement, of life, around them. But then it occured to me that this must be only natural". We can see that Gyurka doesn't really understand what is happening and has an innocence explanation for everything, in this case he thought it was "working hour".
"It was al very clean, tidy and pretty" In this case he also dind't knew what was going on, he thought it was a good place.
"The latter was very squad of jovial appearance, and exceesingly fat, his belly beggining at his neck." By last, as said before, Gyurka is very innocent, he doesn't know the harsh time he will had by now.
Pages 180-185
Theme: Hopelessness
Explanation: Hopelessness can be seen in these pages in many ocassions, is the case of the use of words like "gray sky", "perpetual", "furry hoarfroast", "hopeless struggle", "I gave up". All of these phrases, help us understad the harsh life of Gyurka, he was starting to lose hope, he became depressed.
Even when he saw the bus eating his wound, he described the following: "the gluttony", "the teeming", "the voracity", "the appetite", "were vaguely familiar", which really meant what he was feeling from inside. Also as he was so alone and sad, he started to like the presence of the bugs, as if they were his friends.
Pages 138 and 139
Theme: Interaction
Explanation: "Bandi Citrom promptly warned me away from them: 'You lose any will to live just looking at them'". In this case we can see that Gyurka tries to interact with the muslims but he was warned to better keep aside as they where "dangerous".
"Their first question was 'Rayds di Yeddish?' when I told them that not... I became a nonperson, they looked at me as if I were this air".
On this ocassion, the hungarian tried to interact with the muslims but as the hungarian are different and don't speak Yiddish, the muslims dind't care about them and so the muslims did not accept to interact with the hungarian.
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