martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

How do language reflects the ideas of a culture?
Culture and language are related. This is because language can be used
to reflect the culture of a given society.

People use the langague to express their's worldviews wich reflects
the ideas of a culture.

The children grow up knowing what is expected from the culture. In
addition, the children are exposed to the environment and this helps
them become part of the society. Researchers argue that the people the
child interacts with and the environment influence his thoughts and

Different societies have different cultures. Some behaviors are acceptable
in one society as some are not in another society because of the different cultures.
For example: A children have a worldview that eating meat is good because of his 
culture but one day, he meet a society of vegetarians who don't eat meat, just 
vegetables and they don't accept his behaviors because of their worldviews given 
by their's culture.